#9 Hugo Merchant: Neuronal population clocks
How does a marmoset know which vocalizations are his own?
Variational Autoencoders, UMAP and birdsong
#8 Uri Hasson: Language in the real world for brains and AI
#7 Kevin Mitchell: Free Agents (in an evolving block universe)
#6 Kate Jeffery: Grid cells in 3D, entropy & climate change
#5 Bernstein conference 2023: Computational neuroscience posters
#4 Paul Middlebrooks: BrainInspired & Podcasting
#3 ESI SyNC 2023: Bats, memory & interdisciplinary science
Primer on place, head direction & grid cells
#2 Saeedeh Sadeghi & Irena Arslanova: Heart and time perception
Talking to a crow will be possible in 50 years
#1 Georg Northoff: Spatiotemporal neuroscience
Welcome to the Brain Space Time Podcast
Brain-body size divergence in birds: An evolutionary, morphological and ecological case
Understanding religious violence beyond the 'modernity-religion' dichotomy
#7 Tony Zador: The Embodied Turing Test, Genomic Bottlenecks, Molecular Connectomics
The evolution of the posterior cingulate cortex: Landmarks, autobiographical memories, and self
#6 Alex Lascarides: Linguistics from Frege to Settlers of Catan
#5 Felix Hill: Grounded Language, Transformers, and DeepMind